Racing Sunset

Sunsets and Africa.
A bit cliched, really. But the hell with originality -- I love them anyway.
On our long drive back into Bamako, the sunset was wondrous. Somehow as we barrelled down the road, it seemed to be full of intrigue, the trees playing character parts along the way. I never tire of
baobabs, and spent a few moments with the window open desperately (in vain) trying to capture a bit of
their spirit, in some strange
avante garde sort of way.

An inveterate traveler, who has explored all seven continents, Neil centres his freelance writing today on travel.
Published work includes travel writing in The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, The Buffalo News, Travel Scoop and The Wonderful World of Budget Travel. Featured destinations include: Toronto, Ontario; Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Qufu, China; Oaxaca, Mexico; Jersey, Channel Islands; Trans-Siberian Express.
Neil’s photography focuses on finding images of the worlds he visits that capture the essence of “place”. Whether photographing landscapes, archaeological sites or locals, the goal is to make a picture emotive of what brought one there.
Photography has been published in Camera Canada, Foto Flash, Minolta Mirror and travel publications, as well as displayed at gallery exhibits in Toronto.
Cliche, schmiche. Beautiful sunset photos!